2023-24 Boundary Changes and Grade Reconfigurations

2023-24 Boundary Changes and Grade Reconfigurations

In the spring of 2023, we announced boundary changes and/or grade reconfigurations for four families of schools, effective September 2023.

As the population continues to rise in Halifax Regional Municipality, student enrolment continues to grow. 

To ensure that all students have safe, welcoming, and comfortable learning spaces, changes were necessary at the following familes of schools: 

As announced in 2018, a new school is planned to support the ongoing growth in the Clayton Park - Fairview area. The school is in the initial planning stages, and site location work is currently underway. 

Last year, we let Halifax West High families know that a modular unit would be built this past spring. The 12-classroom addition placed at HWH is helping support growth in surrounding schools.

The plan

Atlantic Memorial - Terence Bay Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Brookside Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 6-9
French: 7-9
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Burton Ettinger Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: P-6
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: PP continues to be offered at Fairview Heights Elementary

Clayton Park Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 7-9
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: 
English: 6-8
French: N/A
Notes: Now receives Grade 6 English from Rockingham Elementary. Grade 9 moves to Halifax West High.

Duc d'Anville Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Fairview Heights Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: 
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Notes: Grade 6 moves to Fairview Junior High.

Fairview Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 7-9
French: 7-9
Configuration September 2023:
English: 6-9
French: 6-9
Notes: Now receives Grade 6 English from Fairview Heights Elementary and Grade 6 French Immersion from Rockingham Elementary.

Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: P-6
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: PP will now be offered at 117 Kearney Lake Road.

Halifax West High
Current configuration:
English: 10-12
French: 10-12
Configuration September 2023:
English: 9-12
French: no change
Notes: Now receives Grade 9 from Clayton Park Junior High. All other junior highs continue to feed in at Grade 10.

Park West School
Current configuration:
English: PP-9
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Prospect Road Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Rockingham Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: P-6
Configuration September 2023:
English: PP-5
French: P-5
Notes: Grade 6 English moves to Clayton Park Junior High. Grade 6 French Immersion moves to Fairview Junior High. PP will now be offered at 117 Kearney Lake Road.


Earlier this year we consulted families to help us create a strong transition plan for all students that were experiencing changes in September 2023. 

Click here to see the summary report.

Last year, we let Elizabeth Sutherland School (ESS) families know that a modular unit would be built this past spring. The 8-classroom addition placed at ESS is helping support growth in surrounding schools.

The plan

Central Spryfield Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: 
English: PP-4
French: N/A
Notes: Central Spryfield Elementary will now feed into Cunard Junior High starting in Grade 5. Central Spryfield Elementary no longer feeds into Rockingstone Heights School. Central Spryfield Elementary no longer attends John W. MacLeod - Fleming Tower Elementary for French Immersion, they now attend Chebucto Heights Elementary

Chebucto Heights Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: P-5
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: Receives P-5 French Immersion from Central Spryfield Elementary, Elizabeth Sutherland School and Rockingstone Heights School. Chebucto Heights Elementary (English) no longer feeds into Cunard Junior High, it will now feed into Elizabheth Sutherland School in Grade 6. Chebucto Heights Elementary (French Immersion) continues to feed into Elizabeth Sutherland School in Grade 6.

Cunard Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 5-8
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: No receives Grade 5 English students from Central Spryfield Elementary. Continues to receive Grade 5 English students from John W. MacLeod - Fleming Tower Elementary. Chebucto Heights Elementary (English) no longer feeds into Cunard Junior High.

Elizabeth Sutherland School
Current configuration:
English: PP-8
French: 5-8
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: Chebucto Heights Elementary now feeds into Elizabeth Sutherland School for both English and French Immersion. John W. MacLeod - Fleming Tower Elementary continues to attend Elizabeth Sutherland School for Grade 5 French Immersion.

Harrietsfield Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Herring Cove Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 6-8
French: 6-8
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

John W. MacLeod - Fleming Tower Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-4
French: P-4
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: Central Spryfield Elementary no longer attends John W. MacLeod - Fleming Tower Elementary for French Immersion.

J.L. Ilsley High
Current configuration:
English: 9-12
French: 9-12
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Rockingstone Heights School
Current configuration:
English: PP-8
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: Central Spryfield Elementary no longer feeds into Rockingstone Heights School.

Sambro Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

William King Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes


Earlier this year we consulted families to help us create a strong transition plan for all students that were experiencing changes in September 2023. 

Click here to see the summary report.

Last year, we let families at Harry R. Hamilton Elementary know that a modular unit would be built this past spring. The 6-classroom addition placed Harry R. Hamilton Elementary is helping support growth in surrounding schools.

The plan

Harry R. Hamilton Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: Now receives PP from Millwood Elementary and Sackville Heights Elementary

Millwood Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: PP will now be offered at Harry R. Hamilton Elementary

Millwood High
Current configuration:
English: 9-12
French: 9-12
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Sackville Heights Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes
Notes: PP will now be offered at Harry R. Hamilton Elementary

Sackville Heights Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 6-8
French: 7-8
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes


Earlier this year we consulted families to help us create a strong transition plan for all students that were experiencing changes in September 2023. 

Click here to see the summary report.

Last fall, we let families at Ellenvale Junior High know that a modular unit would be built this past spring. The 12-classroom addition placed at Ellenvale Junior High is helping support growth in surrounding schools.

The plan

Admiral Westphal Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Alderney Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Notes: Grade 6 moves to Ellenvale Junior High.

Bel Ayr Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Brookhouse Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023:
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Notes: Grade 6 moves to Ellenvale Junior High.

Caledonia Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 7-9
French: 7-9
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Ellenvale Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 7-9
French: 7-9
Configuration September 2023:
English: 6-9
French: no change
Notes: Now receives Grade 6 from Alderney Elementary, Brookhouse Elementary and Portland Estates Elementary.

Eric Graves Memorial Junior High
Current configuration:
English: 7-9
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Ian Forsyth Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Michael Wallace Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Mount Edward Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes

Portland Estates Elementary
Current configuration:
English: PP-6
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: 
English: PP-5
French: N/A
Notes: Grade 6 moves to Ellenvale Junior High.

Woodlawn High
Current configuration:
English: 10-12
French: N/A
Configuration September 2023: no grade changes


Earlier this year we consulted families to help us create a strong transition plan for all students that were experiencing changes in September 2023. 

Click here to see the summary report.